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Cyberphysical Interaction
Enhancing VR Immersion with Hand Tracking and Haptic Feedback

Boosting Immersion and Presence in VR

This project explores the impact of hand tracking combined with haptic feedback on immersion and presence in virtual reality (VR). By integrating active and passive haptic elements, hand tracking, and additional input devices into a user-centered VR prototype, the project aims to identify the aspects that contribute to enhancing user immersion and presence in VR.

Original titel of the Thesis: Cyberphysical interaction in virtual reality – using hand tracking and real objects to increase immersion.

Experimental Setup

A 4×4 meter area was cleared, with the chassis/base plate positioned at the center. The play area was then calibrated using the four base stations and SteamVR. This setup provided ample space for users to interact with the virtual environment, allowing them to experience the full range of immersive interactions and haptic feedback offered by the prototype.


Experimental Setup

The variety of controlls

The project utilized multiple controllers, including the Ultraleap Leap Motion Controller, Vive Index Controller, and HTC Vive Controller 2.0, to facilitate seamless and accurate hand tracking in the VR environment. The variety of controllers allowed for different levels of interactivity and user engagement, ensuring an optimal virtual experience for participants.

Vive Index Controller
Ultraleap Leap Motion Controller
HTC Vive Controller 2.0

Prototype Interactions

The prototype featured a range of interactions, including hands, car interior, smartphone, hologram, touchscreen, and feet. These interactions were designed to simulate a realistic and engaging virtual environment, enabling users to interact with various virtual objects and experience the enhanced immersion provided by hand tracking and haptic feedback.


The virtual smartphone played a central role in the user experience. Using the app on the smartphone, users were able to call the car, open the car doors, and activate the hologram inside. This interaction demonstrated the potential for integrating hand tracking and haptic feedback into everyday virtual tasks, enhancing the overall VR experience.

Infotainment HMI

The infotainment system was an optional aspect of the user experience. In total, there were four infotainment touchscreens inside the car, one for each passenger seat. These screens allowed users to interact with various in-car features, further highlighting the potential for hand tracking and haptic feedback to improve immersion and presence in VR environments.

Improved Immersion through Hand Tracking and Haptic Feedback

The project successfully demonstrated that hand tracking and haptic feedback, when combined, significantly improve immersion and presence in VR. The prototype allowed users to interact with a virtual car and its features, such as calling the car, opening doors, and activating a hologram, providing a more engaging and realistic experience.




Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart / Arena 2036


Prof. Dr. Ansgar Gerlicher, Tobias Schneider, Axel Braun


C#, Unity


Idea, Concept, Sound Design, Animation, UXD, UID, 3D Modeling, Programming, Evaluation, Scientific Thesis


Unity 3D Engine, Figma, Miro, Illustrator, zBrush, 3Ds Max, Blender, Leap Motion SDK, SteamVR, Varjo SDK


Varjo XR-3, Ultraleap Leap Motion, VIVE Controller, Vive Tracker, Valve Index Controller, Ultraleap Stratos Explore, Steam VR Basisstationen (Lighthouse)

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